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Category: Stuff and Things


With summer in Japan comes heat, humidity, increasingly irritating insects, and festivals (along with some other stuff, I’m sure)! Tanabata is a summer festival observed every year on July 7th. This event is a celebration of the story of two lovers called Orihime and Hikoboshi (AKA the stars Vega and Altair). In accordance with the legend of their relationship, these two are separated by the Milky Way and can only come together once every year on the seventh day of the seventh month.

Tradition dictates the writing of wishes onto small strips of paper called tanzaku and attaching them to stalks of bamboo. Many communities will also hold parades or display streamers from buildings. After the festival, the wishes and streamers may often be burned or floated down the river.

Our office had its own bamboo stalk in the reception area for each student (and staff member) to attach a wish to:

Students began writing their wishes last Tuesday so we could ensure a full stalk by the date of the actual event. We tried to get most of the students to write their wishes in English, and for those unable to, we provided a little assistance. I peeked around at what some of the kids wrote:

This was written by one of my students (she wrote in English too, but her Japanese handwriting is nicer). It reads “I want to become a high school student”.

This one was written by Yusuke, a university student in his early twenties. His English is astoundingly good – he’s been studying at our school for the majority of his life and you’d think he’d spent time abroad based on how natural his English sounds. He stays extremely busy with school, but always manages to have a cheery disposition at his classes with my coworker.

The nature of the wishes written here is representative of the majority of the things written by the rest of the students. Countless “I hope I get good grades” or “I want to improve X skill” litter our now-bent bamboo stalk.

“I hope my family is safe” and “I’d like to have X profession” are also common. In fact, the only one I could find that mentioned receiving a new possession was the “puppy” note pictured above.

I couldn’t help but wonder what kinds of wishes American children would have written. How many would have chosen to write “I hope my family is healthy” or “I’d like to pass my final examinations”? How many would have scribbled a note for an Xbox or the new iPhone? I’m not saying Japanese children wouldn’t also go crazy to receive a shiny new toy, but I found it interesting when I noticed the different nature of these personal wishes. A little research reveals that traditionally boys and girls wish for an improvement in skills, or they express a desire for self improvement. Probably something we could all use now and then.

My wish was pretty simple:

“Happiness, success, and cooler temperatures”. I figure with a wish this vague at least one is bound to come true eventually.

Square (or circle) dancing, Japan-style

Last weekend I attended Guji Odori, an old-fashioned Japanese style dance party. This particular festival/party features dances originating from the Gifu prefecture of Japan. Gifu prefecture is located West of the Tokyo area. Throughout the summer months, Gifu prefecture holds a number of dance festivals for people to take part in these traditional shindigs. For those of us either unwilling or incapable of heading to Gifu for the sake of a festival, however, there is Guji Odori. This took place over the course of a weekend about a 5 minute walk from Gaienmae station in Aoyama.

This is one of those events you can literally let your ears lead the way to. The drums and music could be heard from the station exit, and I think many people who showed up may have just wandered to the area out of curiosity. This is the entrance gate – admission was free. Food and beer was available within the confines of the dance area, and many of the shops on the street had munchy-type food (gyoza, soba, shumai, etc.) available for purchase.

Many of the people attending the event came dressed in what might be described as the “summer variation” of the kimono.  This is called a yukata.  It’s easier to wear and lighter than the many-layered and formal kimono. The heat was intense this afternoon, and everyone was given a fan to use. When not in use, most people stuck them in the bow around the waist (called an obi). You can also just see some of the traditional wooden sandals worn by most everyone at the event. Both men and women wear the sandals and the yukata – the designs typically differ based on sex, but the style remains much the same.

All around the event area are lanterns like these. You can see a larger, similar lantern in the first picture. These lanterns spanned the entire event area – from all four corners of the dance arena to the box where the musicians sat in the middle.

This is the main event square and the musicians for the festival. On the other side of the hut, a sign is displayed to tell the dancers which dance is currently being performed. Just as the current dance ends, the sign for the next dance is displayed. The primary music at this event consisted of a drum, a singer, a shamisen, and a larger flute-recorder like instrument. The dancers also clapped where applicable in the dance, and their feet also provided a sense of rhythm. Simple, but goosebump-raising to watch.

The participants for this event were a varied group. As mentioned earlier, many attended wearing yukata, but a wide number of folks showed up in every day clothing – jeans and t-shirts, shorts and sneakers…I saw a girl wearing a Pikachu hat near the center of the circle, and even one salaryman still wearing his suit and tie. These dances all have some kind of historical significance – they’re very repetitive and easy to catch on to. They mimic everyday life in Gifu prefecture (OLD everyday life, I should point out). Dances depict simple aspects of existence like a man riding a horse, a girl folding the sleeves of her kimono to play, and a farmer plowing a field. The dances featured simple steps and clapping motions and were performed while moving slowly in a circle around the box the musicians sat in.

These dances are simple and anyone who wanted to participate was welcome to. There were very few foreigners present at this event and even fewer chose to join in the dance, but anyone could do it. Just watching for a few minutes to get the basic step in place should be enough for even the least skilled dancer out there.

While this event took place over the course of a weekend in Tokyo, these kinds of festivals continue throughout the summer months in Gifu prefecture. The internet is a great place to search if you’re interested in attending one of these events – rumor has it there are secret dance parties for those people “in the know”. I’m putting together a video about this at the moment and hope to have it up on YouTube shortly! Hope you enjoyed the photos!

’tis the season

It’s my first spring in Japan, and from the end of March to early April I finally got to see the sakura trees here in full bloom.  I checked out a festival in my city’s park, wandered around my neighborhood, and in general just enjoyed things throughout the time the trees were blooming (a period of about a couple weeks, this year).  These photos aren’t the best ever, but they’re something.  Enjoy.

By now, most of the trees are losing their petals, and you can see them littering the streets and floating in the air.  That, too, has its own kind of beauty.  The whole transition into spring here feels like an event – admittedly, it’s an event that means a lot of people go out to the park armed with beer and blue tarps, but it’s fun.  I’m looking forward to seeing all of this happen again next year.

There’s a video in the works about this – I’ve just been lazy about editing.  It’ll be up soon!

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